Human Resources Consultancy:
Our HR Consulting team can assist you with putting HR practices in place and provides expert counsel on a wide range of HR requirements and issues, supporting the success of your organisation.
ASEGENOR offers a specialist service providing independent human resource advice in a variety of key areas. We have a dedicated human resources consulting team with extensive practical experience advising on:
Labour Consultancy:
Our team is specialised in providing Labour Consultancy Services to local and international companies to expand and develop by removing the hurdles of labour challenges.
Having been in this business for decades, our dedicated department works continuously to assist foreign / multinational companies and foundations in handling their investments and operations in Spain or Europe. We provide various services, including, but not limitedly:
Payroll Consultancy and Services:
Our professional staff is comprised of auditors, payroll accountants, attorneys specialising in labour law, organisational consultants, database experts familiar with payroll and human resource areas etc. Our staff has extensive experience and knowledge in providing comprehensive services to the private and public sectors, including areas of human resource management, payroll and social rights.
Human Resources, Labour and Payroll Support services include the full-range of management and administrative tasks.